Sardis Baptist Church is an inclusive, spiritually progressive community of faith that nurtures curiosity and open-mindedness. With a joyful and vibrant spirit, we aspire to listen and learn, to wrestle with doubt, to create authentic relationships, and to promote social consciousness so that all might experience the warmth and welcome of God.
Baptists deservedly get a bad rap. There are a number of Baptist conventions and churches that periodically make the news with one narrow-minded idea or another. But don’t judge all Baptists by the actions of some. Not all Baptists are that way. In fact Baptists in this country were some of the first people to stand up for religious liberty and an idea that eventually became the First Amendment to our nation’s Constitution. Those are the kind of Baptists that Sardis Baptist Church tries to imitate.
We, the members of Sardis Baptist Church, believing in and committed to serving Jesus Christ, do covenant with one another.
As a church family, we promise:
To faithfully live our lives in such a way that we will honor Christ;
To glorify God through the praise and prayer of congregational worship;
To openly examine the Bible for knowledge and to deepen our relationship with God;
To diligently pray for one another, the church, and for God’s peace and justice in the world;
To share the good news of God’s love and salvation with those we meet;
To serve in our community & give to global missions;
To respect each other’s faith journey, demonstrate tolerance and acceptance, and willingly resolve conflict in a spirit of love and patience;
To support one another in living this covenant by recognizing and encouraging the spiritual gifts given to all persons of this church family.
Sundays 11:00am
Sunday School 9:45am
We are located at
5811 Sardis Road
Charlotte, NC 28270