Back at It

Back at It

The following appeared as my column in our August edition of Signposts.


So…we’re back. Well, it’s not like we were ever away. But we’re back. Back to gathering for worship in person. Back to doing many of the things that are so familiar to us. Back to being Sardis in 3-D.

It’s strange though. In March of 2020, we kind of flicked off the light switch, and our world slowed down. And fast! Every routine we could imagine was either altered, eliminated, or paused. As the “switch” flips back on, the normalcy and rhythms of our routines, and the energy it takes to sustain those routines, has been slower to return. It’s SO nice that the world is open again, but did it really require SO much of our energy the last go-round?!?

Maybe this interim period is a really good metaphor for the not-yet that will someday-be? As Christians, we do faith God’s fruitful future, even in the messiness and uncertainty of the present.

I often think about Shakespeare in the times where I long for order and ease. Iambic pentameter provides a beautiful cadence, but even in perfect form, the rhyme cannot conceal the choppiness of life’s joys and sorrows. We don’t live our life in iambic pentameter; we live it in a free-flowing, wonderfully-messy, wonderfully-unpredictable prose. Thanks be to God!

All of this is to say: be patient. Sardis is gonna be Sardis again, and we’re gonna be us again. It just might not happen as quickly as we want it to.

In the interim, here are some things we can work on (all together) to build energy, joy, momentum, and spirit in our community.

Be present. Sure, come often and in-person if you can. But physical presence and being present aren’t the same thing. Being present means telling others that they matter by expressing our connectedness. Text, call, write, Tweet, Tik-Tok, send carrier-pigeons…do the small things to check in on one another. There’s life-giving bread in these practices.

Reclaim social media. Yes, when used irresponsibly, social media can rot minds and polarize communities. But I would remind you that social media has also helped us greet and welcome new friends into our community. I’d also remind you that we’re working hard to change the narrative by posting content (and lots of it!) that envisions and promotes a world of equity, justice, and peace. Not to mention God’s creative presence. If you’ll engage with Sardis social media channels, you’ll increase our awareness and our broader community health.

Dream. This community can be ANYTHING we want it to be. And YOU, that’s right, YOU, have autonomy, giftedness, and permission to make that happen. Share your voices, your gifts, and your ideas with us. We may just generate some much-needed kingdom-moments.

Pray. Yes, pray. God’s presence hasn’t gone anywhere. But I think our awareness of God’s presence, and reticence to engage God’s presence affects our energy. Praying, be it silently, out loud, or with our acts of service and kindness, offers a chance to give voice to our joys, hopes, and concerns. And when we use our voices, when we engage our Creator, we begin to better understand our calling.

We’ve got this, Sardis! And even better, God’s got us. May we experience the joy of “being back” in the days and weeks to come!


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