Archive (Sermons)

A Season to Glean

Category: Advent / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
December 18, 2020

A Season to Glean Bob Stillerman Advent Four: Love; 12-20-2020 Ruth 1-4 A Season to Glean Ruth.1-4 12-20-2020 It’s early in the morning, and the sun yawns, perhaps even stretches a bit, before finally peeking...

Harvest of Joy

Category: Advent / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
December 12, 2020

A Harvest of Joy Bob Stillerman Advent Three: Joy; 12-13-2020 Deuteronomy 16:13-15 A Harvest of Joy Deut 16.13-15 12-13-2020 I want to begin this morning with a quick thought about the sacred texts we explore...

Serving While We Wait

Category: Advent / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
December 04, 2020

Serving While We Wait Bob Stillerman Second Sunday of Advent, 12/6/2020 1 Samuel 25:1-35 (Abigail) Serving While We Wait 1 Samuel 25.1-35 12-6-2020 Waiting in the Advent season is not a passive verb; it’s an...

Building a Nest

Category: Advent / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
November 28, 2020

Building a Nest Bob Stillerman Advent One: Hope; 11-29-2020 Luke 1:39-46 Building a Nest Luke 1.39-46 11-29-2020 This past summer, I saw a mama box turtle clearing gravel from a walking path to make safe...

Third Parable’s A Charm

Category: Reign of Christ Sunday / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
November 20, 2020

Third Parable’s A Charm Bob Stillerman Reign of Christ Sunday, 11/22/2020 Matthew 25:31-46 Third Parable is a Charm Matthew 25.31-46 11-22-2020 Hmm…where to start?!? How about the beginning? I, I think like most of you,...

Using Our Talents

Category: Ordinary Time / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
November 12, 2020

Using Our Talents Bob Stillerman Proper 28, Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, 11/15/2020 Matthew 25:14-30 Using Our Talents Matthew 25.14-30 11-15-2020 The allegory strikes again!!! Let’s start with the “man” who was about to take a...

It’s a Parable, Silly

Category: Ordinary Time / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
November 06, 2020

It’s a Parable, Silly Bob Stillerman Proper 27. Pentecost 23, 11-8-2020 Matthew 25:1-13 Its a Parable Silly Matthew 25.1-13 11-8-2020 You know the story. There was gonna be a huge party: a wedding feast or...

A Better World

Category: All Saints Sunday / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
October 29, 2020

A Better World Homily for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman All Saints Sunday 11-1-2020 1 John 3:1-3 A Better World 1 John 3.1-3 11-1-2020 3:1 See what love the Father has given us, that we...