Archive (Sermons)

Sower. Seeds. Soil.

Category: Ordinary Time / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
July 10, 2020

Sower. Seeds. Soil. Bob Stillerman Proper 10, Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, 7/12/2020 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 Sower. Seeds. Soil. Matthew 13.1-9 18-23 7-12-2020 There was a sower, and there were seeds, and there was soil. I’m...

Independence Day

Category: Ordinary Time / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
July 03, 2020

Independence Day Bob Stillerman Proper 9, Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, 7/5/2020 Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 Independence Day Matthew 11.16-19, 25-30 7-5-2020 Caesar’s world teaches us to zig, when God’s world asks us to zag. Caesar’s world...

Let’s Pack a Cooler

Category: Ordinary Time / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
June 27, 2020

Let’s Pack a Cooler Bob Stillerman Proper 8, Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, 6/28/2020 Matthew 10:40-42 “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet in...

Listening and Learning

Category: Ordinary Time / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
June 19, 2020

Listening and Learning Bob Stillerman Proper 7, Third Sunday after Pentecost, 6/21/2020 Matthew 10:24-39 Listening and Learning Matthew 10.24-39 6-21-2020 Theologian Emilie Townes reminds us that a good translation for disciples is “learners.” If we...

Unpacking a Compassionate Shepherd and Kingdom

Category: Ordinary Time / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
June 12, 2020

Unpacking a Compassionate Shepherd and Kingdom Bob Stillerman Proper 6, Second Sunday after Pentecost, 6/14/2020 Matthew 9:35-10:8 Unpacking a Compassionate Shepherd Matthew 9.35-10.8 6-14-2020 So…there’s an awful lot to unpack in this morning’s lection, but...

Esse Quam Videri. Ut Prosim. Think and Do.

Category: Trinity Sunday / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
June 06, 2020

Esse Quam Videri. Ut Prosim. Think and Do. Bob Stillerman Trinity Sunday, 6-7-2020 Genesis 1:1-2:3 Trinity Sunday Genesis 1.1-2.4a 6-7-2020 It’s fitting that Trinity Sunday, as well as the first creation story of Genesis align...

A Flame that Illumines; A Wind that Connects

Category: Pentecost Sunday / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
May 31, 2020

A Flame that Illumines; A Wind that Connects Bob Stillerman Pentecost, 5/31/2020 Acts 2:1-21 A Flame that Connects A Wind that Illumines Acts 2.1-21 5-31-2020 One of my favorite words or images in scripture is...

Not How He Left Us, But What He Left Us to Do

Category: Ascension Sunday / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
May 24, 2020

Not How He Left Us, But What He Left Us to Do Bob Stillerman Ascension Sunday, 5-24-2020 Luke 24:44-53 Not How He Left Luke 24.44-53 5-24-2020 Several years ago, as I was walking along the...