Archive (Sermons)

A Cross worth Seeking

Category: Easter / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
May 06, 2018

A Cross worth Seeking 5-6-2018 John 15.9-17 A Cross worth Seeking Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church John 15:9-17 May 6, 2018 Lamar Williamson writes that relationships in John’s gospel exist on two...

A Word About Prayer

Category: Easter / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
April 15, 2018

A word about prayer Psalm 4 4-15-2018 A Word About Prayer Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church April 15, 2018 Psalm 4:1-8 It’s been a crazy week. A busy week. An exhausting week....

There is New Life

Category: Easter / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
April 08, 2018

There is New Life Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Acts 4:32-35 April 8, 2018 There is New Life Acts 4.32-35 4-8-2018 We’re only a week past Resurrection Sunday – the memories of...

When Morning Gilds the Skies

Category: Easter / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
April 01, 2018

When Morning Gilds the Skies Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Easter Sunday, 4/1/2018 Mark 16:1-8 When Morning Gilds the Skies Mark 16.1-8 4-1-2018 Easter Sunday God lived and dwelled among us in...

A Poem for Maundy Thursday’s Table

Category: Maundy Thursday / Speaker: Rev Bob Stillerman
March 29, 2018

Maundy Thursday Communion Poem 3-28-2018 Maundy Thursday Communion Poem March 29, 2018 Bob Stillerman When last we gathered at this table, There was talk of transfiguration. Jesus glowing in a white robe, Moses and Elijah,...

Easter Cantata

Category: Palm Sunday / Speaker: Hilary Kearns, Rev Bob Stillerman
March 25, 2018

Palm Sunday Cantata Message and Texts 3-25-2018 Sardis Baptist Church, Charlotte, NC Hilary Kearns and Bob Stillerman Easter Cantata Rundown Here are the readings for the Easter Cantata. The lyrics to the songs are in...

A Circle for Pam

Category: Lent / Speaker: Rev. Becky Proctor
March 14, 2018

A Circle for Pam A Circle for Pam I love Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Don’t get me wrong – I love many other parts of the Bible, as well, but there is something special...

Live Life To Give Life

Category: Lent / Speaker: Rev Tillie Duncan
March 05, 2018

  BE TRUE TO YOU LIVE LIFE TO GIVE LIFE Rev. Tillie Duncan Sardis Baptist Church February 25, 2018 Mark 8:31-9:1 Sunday, Feb. 25, 2018 “Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars...