Author Archives: Bob Stillerman

Bob Stillerman

Groundhog Day
in The Sardis Experiment

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day  You are loved!  You are loved!  You are loved!  You are loved!  You are loved!  You are loved! You are loved! You are loved!  You are loved! You are loved! Are you still...

January 24, 2022
The Gospel of Sardis
in The Sardis Experiment

The Gospel of Sardis

Gospel is a fancy word for truth. In the Christian faith, gospel takes its form in story. We’re familiar with the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Some of us may even be familiar...

December 10, 2021
Prayer as Story
in The Sardis Experiment

Prayer as Story

This past week, the Sardis congregation celebrated Story Sunday. The entire morning was dedicated to making the stories of our faith accessible to our littlest ones. Below is an excerpt from the morning prayer. Each...

October 25, 2021
2021 Charlotte CROP Walk
in News

2021 Charlotte CROP Walk

Sardis Baptist Church will participate in the 2021 Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk on Sunday, November 7th, 2021. For more than three decades, Sardis has joined with other faith communities throughout the Charlotte Region in walking...

October 20, 2021