Author Archives: Bob Stillerman

Bob Stillerman

Moment of Mission
in The Sardis Experiment

Moment of Mission

Today, I’m walking with Sardis Baptist Church, Charlotte in the Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk. Here’s one last appeal, the same appeal I’ll share with our congregation this morning. There’s a word we like to use: Hangry. It’s what...

October 20, 2019
Why I Walk
in The Sardis Experiment

Why I Walk

In this age of polarization, there are very few things we can agree on, but some things transcend politics. One of those things is the right of all people, especially children, to have consistent access...

September 18, 2019
Maundy Thursday Recap
in The Sardis Experiment

Maundy Thursday Recap

I’m belated in writing this, but since Easter’s a fifty-day season, I suppose I’m not too late. Each year, we do a Maundy Thursday Communion Supper. We choose to emphasize the fact that Thursday is...

May 01, 2019
Be Extravagant
in The Sardis Experiment

Be Extravagant

Last week, Sardis lost a longtime member, William Kruger. On Sunday, I was trying to think of the best way to acknowledge William’s larger-than-life presence in our community. I told everyone that he challenged my...

March 26, 2019
Glazed with Faith
in The Sardis Experiment

Glazed with Faith

Often times, our faith and our culture are interwoven.  You might think it’s silly, but for me, my faith, and particularly my faith in the local church, is bound up in Krispy Kreme doughnuts.  (Not...

February 04, 2019