Oct 2021

Sardis Baptist Church will participate in the 2021 Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk on Sunday, November 7th, 2021. For more than three decades, Sardis has joined with other faith communities throughout the Charlotte Region in walking to raise awareness about and funding to prevent local and global hunger. This year, Sardis will host its own independent walk on the Four Mile Creek Greenway in Matthews. The Stillerman and Parker families will host Sardis walkers. Walkers should plan to meet at the Stillerman home at 3:00 p.m., and we anticipate the walk will take......
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Mar 2021

Sardis is offering several ways to take part in Holy Week Services. We hope you will make plans to join us for these events: Maundy Thursday Tailgate – Thursday 4/1 @ 5:30 p.m. Sardis friends will gather (masked and safely distanced) for a soup supper in the Sardis parking lot. We will begin serving supper (boxed soup and bread) at 5:30 p.m. with vegan and vegetarian options available. At 6:00 p.m., we’ll chime the hour, and read the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ Passover meal with the disciples. Be sure to a bring......
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Mar 2021

Want to show off your Sardis spirit? Now you can choose from a variety of backgrounds to use on your Zoom Screen. Right click on any of the images below, and save to your device. Once in Zoom, look for the camera icon on the bottom left of your device screen. There should be an arrow that allows you to choose from menu items. Choose Virtual Background. Once inside the window, there should be an option to upload your favorite picture. Find the scene that works for you, and you’ll be all......
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Feb 2021

Sardis Welcomes Amber Simpson Sardis is excited to welcome Amber Simpson (she/her) as our artist for the Lenten Season of 2021. Over the last few years, Sardis has made an intentional effort to engage outside voices for proclamation and music in special seasons. Through the generosity of funds from our Duncan Endowment for Worship and Education, we are delighted to include an artistic voice in the coming season. Amber is an abstract alcohol ink artist who lives and works in Anniston, Alabama. Amber is designing a piece of art for Sardis Baptist......
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Feb 2021

CROSS OF MANY COLORS For the next seven weeks, as you drive by Sardis Road, we hope you’ll notice our very special Lenten cross. Every few days, our cross will be adorned with a new strip of fabric, not the standard purple you see in most years. You’ll notice a transition from darker colors to lighter colors. We’re putting a focus on finding life in as many places as we can, and we hope the changing colors will remind you of God’s presence in every season. The coloring of our cross is......
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Feb 2021

Lent 2021 No matter the season, here’s what we know: 1) We are called to be a chorus of love 2) We are determined to reclaim our connection to the divine in positive and life-giving ways 3) We find our vitality (assert it, even!), together, in the beloved community In this Lenten season, we are challenged by symbols new and old: the cross, the (Zoom) grid, and the mask. On Ash Wednesday, a coal-colored cross compels us to confront our mortality. And too often, we are told that Jesus died for us,......
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Dec 2020

CHRISTMAS EVE VIRTUAL SERVICE Thursday, December 24th @ 5:00 p.m. (Or at a time of your own choosing) The 2020 Sardis Baptist Church Christmas Eve Service will “premier” on Facebook Live on Thursday 12/24 @ 5:00 p.m. To view this service, simply click on the Facebook link below. This will take you to the Sardis Facebook Page, and in the feed of the page, you should find the video. (Note: you do NOT have to have a Facebook account to view the video). If you have a Facebook account, we encourage you......
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Nov 2020

The 2020 Sardis Baptist Church Advent Calendar is here: Advent Calendar 2020 If you prefer to use a virtual version, check Facebook or Instagram for daily images beginning Sunday 11/29. We hope you will have an Advent full of discernment that leads to revelations of hope, peace, joy, and love in the coming Christmas Season....
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Aug 2020

A Small Parish Approach to Corona So…I am writing again. In this strange age of Corona, I have seen so many people writing about what it’s like to be church (and Church!) in these crazy times, and what’s it’s like to be a pastor. And don’t get me wrong, I appreciate all of these perspectives, I really do. It takes courage to put yourself out there. But so often, when I read content relating to congregational ministry, I struggle to find resonance. Most content, whether it’s from seminaries, denominational bodies, clergy bloggers,......
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Aug 2020

Hello, Everyone. Now more than ever, we must respond to inequities in our communities. One of the most glaring examples is hunger — nearly one in four NC school children are food insufficient, meaning they don’t know where their next meal will come from. With the long-term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, this will only get worse. Sardis Baptist Church is forming a team to walk in the 2020 Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk to help raise funds for the prevention of food insecurity. The virtual walk will be held on Sunday October......
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