Jun 2020
6-11-2020 Dear Sardis Family, Last week, in response to the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery (not to mention the unjust killings of too many other black and brown neighbors), we as a staff promised to begin compiling a list of resources. We believe these resources will be helpful in informing our hearts and minds, generating constructive dialogue about systemic racism in our community, and helping us to discern and implement tangible choices and actions to help make justice, equity, and love more prevalent in our city. In short,......
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Apr 2020
With all of the social distancing measures in place, we wanted to offer an opportunity for everyone to experience the new life of spring on our campus. This video (approximately ten minutes), includes footage of our walking trails, labyrinth, and various blooms, as well as thoughts and reflections about God’s work (and our place!) in creation. We hope this will offer a chance to “stretch your legs” and see the beauty of the earth....
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Mar 2020

MORNING WORSHIP MOVING TO ZOOM BEGINNING 3/29/2020 Sardis Baptist Church will do virtual worship via Zoom this coming Sunday 3/29/2020 at 11:00 a.m. You will need to access the meeting link to participate in real time: https://zoom.us/j/2299488601 You may also access the meeting by opening the Zoom app on your device, clicking “join meeting,” and entering the meeting code: 229 948 8601 We will be recording the session, and will post it to Facebook and the church website, as soon as we are able, hopefully, sometime midday Sunday. We realize this is a little different than......
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Mar 2020

SARDIS MISSIONS CONTINUE We often think of worship as time spent together on Sunday mornings dedicated to strengthening our connections with the divine, but it is much more. Worship is also a verb; it’s service and action taken on behalf of others. We may not worship together in our sanctuary on Sunday morning, (click here for LiveStream Worship, Sunday @ 11 AM), but there are other ways we can strengthen our connection with God during this difficult time. Mitigation of the coronavirus may alter plans for worship at Sardis Baptist, but it will not dampen......
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Mar 2020
CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: All In-Person Activities Cancelled for Sunday 3/15 and Wednesday 3/18 Dear Church Family, and Friends of Sardis Baptist Church, Effective immediately, and until further notice, all in-person church activities are cancelled. Cancellations include: Sunday School (3/15), Morning Worship (3/15), Blood Drive (3/15), Worship Development Team Meeting (3/15), Sardis Academy (3/18), and Choir Practice (3/18). We will live stream Worship on Facebook, and as the situation develops, we will offer additional details of cancellations beyond next Wednesday. We also recommend that any board, staff, or steward team meetings be conducted virtually. Additionally,......
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Nov 2019

The 2019 Sardis Baptist Church Advent Calendar is here: Advent Calendar 2019 If you prefer to a virtual version, check Facebook or Instagram for daily images. We hope you will have an Advent full of discernment that leads to revelations of hope, peace, joy, and love in the coming Christmas Season....
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Sep 2019

Please join us for Sardis Academy, our Wednesday night meal and program. On five Wednesdays this fall, we’ll gather for a communal meal at 5:45 p.m. followed by a program at 6:30 p.m. about a mission/cause in our community, or a topic of spiritual interest. First-timers always eat for free. $6 for adults with a $15 max for families. Academies are scheduled for the following Wednesdays. Check out our facebook page for details about programming the week prior to each scheduled event: Wednesday 9/11 Wednesday 9/18 Wednesday 10/2 Wednesday 10/16 Wednesday 11/13...
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Aug 2019

An Ecology of Emanuel Sardis Summer School, August and September First Thoughts: 9:45-10:15 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Talk-Back: 11:15 a.m. Theme: In her book, Creation and the Cross: The Mercy of God for a Planet in Peril, theologian Elizabeth Johnson explores what God’s healing and comfort mean for all of creation. She asserts that humanity must understand its interconnectedness to all created beings before it can begin to help bring about sustainable, impactful environmental change – change that is needed urgently. She offers ways that congregations can make a heart connection to......
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Aug 2019
This summer, Sardis will offer a unique opportunity for worship and discipleship that is contingent on one thing: your voice! That’s right, your voice matters, and we want it to be a part of our Sardis Summer School, a blend of worship, education, discipleship, and supper-table conversations. More details will be available in the July newsletter, but here’s a preview. We will explore two topics, spending four weeks in each topic. George Carlin famously explored the seven words you can’t say on TV. In the same spirit (only in a much less profane......
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Nov 2018

Here’s a little tool to help you prepare for Advent. For the last several years, Sardis has created Advent calendars to give our community members a self-guided devotion each morning. It’s simple: read a new verse each day, and give thought to what the coming of the Christchild will mean for you in the coming year. And each day, enjoy a memory of the year we’ve had together. Advent Calendar 2018...
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