Dec 2020

CHRISTMAS EVE VIRTUAL SERVICE Thursday, December 24th @ 5:00 p.m. (Or at a time of your own choosing) The 2020 Sardis Baptist Church Christmas Eve Service will “premier” on Facebook Live on Thursday 12/24 @ 5:00 p.m. To view this service, simply click on the Facebook link below. This will take you to the Sardis Facebook Page, and in the feed of the page, you should find the video. (Note: you do NOT have to have a Facebook account to view the video). If you have a Facebook account, we encourage you......
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Nov 2020

The 2020 Sardis Baptist Church Advent Calendar is here: Advent Calendar 2020 If you prefer to use a virtual version, check Facebook or Instagram for daily images beginning Sunday 11/29. We hope you will have an Advent full of discernment that leads to revelations of hope, peace, joy, and love in the coming Christmas Season....
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Aug 2020

Hello, Everyone. Now more than ever, we must respond to inequities in our communities. One of the most glaring examples is hunger — nearly one in four NC school children are food insufficient, meaning they don’t know where their next meal will come from. With the long-term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, this will only get worse. Sardis Baptist Church is forming a team to walk in the 2020 Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk to help raise funds for the prevention of food insecurity. The virtual walk will be held on Sunday October......
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Jun 2020
6-11-2020 Dear Sardis Family, Last week, in response to the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery (not to mention the unjust killings of too many other black and brown neighbors), we as a staff promised to begin compiling a list of resources. We believe these resources will be helpful in informing our hearts and minds, generating constructive dialogue about systemic racism in our community, and helping us to discern and implement tangible choices and actions to help make justice, equity, and love more prevalent in our city. In short,......
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Apr 2020

PART THREE: TABLE TALK (MAUNDY THURSDAY) Jesus knows what’s next. You can only live in freedom For so long until the Empire strikes back. One’s dependence on God Ruffles the feathers of earthly lords. The patron client system only works If clients choose to seek what patrons offer. What peace can your master not provide? What world can you imagine in which he does not rule? Yes, sure, the arc of the moral universe May be long, and it may bend toward justice, But Caesar likes long, straight, lines. Caesar’s horizon is......
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Apr 2020

PART TWO: A PROPHET ABOUT TOWN “There’s a newcomer,” ‘twas the message circulated in the crowds. Jesus, a prophet, from Nazareth in Galilee Entered the temple to see the scene for himself. It looked too much like a marketplace; Apparently there’s profit to be made In selling holiness to commoners. The prophet turned over the tables And drove out the money-changers and dove-sellers; He offered healing, To the blind, to the lame, to the forgotten; But the priests and scribes didn’t like the hosannas From the crowd (That’s a recognition of Messiah).......
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Apr 2020
With all of the social distancing measures in place, we wanted to offer an opportunity for everyone to experience the new life of spring on our campus. This video (approximately ten minutes), includes footage of our walking trails, labyrinth, and various blooms, as well as thoughts and reflections about God’s work (and our place!) in creation. We hope this will offer a chance to “stretch your legs” and see the beauty of the earth....
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Apr 2020

Over the next week, I’ll be sharing parts of an original Easter poem. I hope you will journey with me from Jerusalem to Golgotha to Sunday. We need a resurrection this year more than ever! May God’s serendipitous sense of life, joy, hope, and love meet us in the days to come! Peace! Bob A HOLY WEEK POEM Bob Stillerman April 2020 PART ONE: PALM SUNDAY Back then, like every year, the people flocked to Jerusalem To the celebrate God’s age-old glory; One glory in particular: An escape was made ready, A......
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Mar 2020

SARDIS MISSIONS CONTINUE We often think of worship as time spent together on Sunday mornings dedicated to strengthening our connections with the divine, but it is much more. Worship is also a verb; it’s service and action taken on behalf of others. We may not worship together in our sanctuary on Sunday morning, (click here for LiveStream Worship, Sunday @ 11 AM), but there are other ways we can strengthen our connection with God during this difficult time. Mitigation of the coronavirus may alter plans for worship at Sardis Baptist, but it will not dampen......
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Nov 2019

Catherine Zuckerman of National Geographic describes stars as celestial bodies made mostly of hydrogen and helium that produce light and heat from the churning nuclear forges inside their cores. She also calls them “building blocks of galaxies,” and tells us they are light years away from Earth. Stars are not your average nightlights! The prophet Isaiah invites us humans to look high and see theses stars. And Isaiah reminds us it is God that created these lights, and even numbers them, and accounts for them. In both spiritual and scientific ways, stars......
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