Sardis Baptist offers many opportunities for members, friends and guests to deepen their faith, develop lasting friendships and find a place to help others. We continually adapt our ministries to fit the gifts and needs of our members, rather than ask persons to fit into a set schedule of programming. Sardis is a fellowship “where church means people.”
Sunday morning study groups are held each week. Five months of the year (usually twice in the fall and three times in the spring) we gather on Wednesday evenings for dinner, “Sardis Academy” sessions where the topics can range from Global Warming & Christianity to Faith & Politics.
Five months of the year (two in the fall and three in the spring), the congregation gathers on Wednesday nights for a fellowship meal and a time of biblical, theological and missional education.
Participants spend time exploring various topics of interest. These series are led by either the ministerial staff or by other community leaders or subject matter experts. Examples of topics for Sardis Academy series include: An Interfaith Dialogue, covering Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism; Laughter Yoga, Making a Difference in Charlotte, with speakers from Habitat, Urban Ministry Center, Crisis Assistance and Loaves & Fishes; A Faith & Science series, and a series on how race and gender affects theology.
We gather for study and discussion on Sunday mornings at 9:45. Opportunities are available for all ages.
The Choir at Sardis Baptist consists of a group of very talented and dedicated adults. This choir sings for Sunday morning and special worship services. We sing music from various areas of Christian music including classical, spirituals and music from contemporary composers. This choir also has talented and willing soloists and instrumentalists. Choir practice is on Wednesday evenings at 7:30. Practice is a joy, where fellow singers laugh and enjoy each others company while doing something that each loves. Typically the choir takes the months of July and August off and we enjoy guest musicians during those Sundays.
We are fortunate to have an experienced minister of music, Hilary Kearns McIntyre. We are doubly blessed to have a wonderful accompanist and accomplished pianist in Irena Hramenkova. Trained at a famed Moscow music school, Irena is a master at the piano.