in Advent
A Season to Glean
A Season to Glean Bob Stillerman Advent Four: Love; 12-20-2020 Ruth 1-4 A Season to Glean Ruth.1-4 12-20-2020 It’s early in the morning, and the sun yawns, perhaps even stretches a bit, before finally peeking...
in Advent
Harvest of Joy
A Harvest of Joy Bob Stillerman Advent Three: Joy; 12-13-2020 Deuteronomy 16:13-15 A Harvest of Joy Deut 16.13-15 12-13-2020 I want to begin this morning with a quick thought about the sacred texts we explore...
in Advent
Serving While We Wait
Serving While We Wait Bob Stillerman Second Sunday of Advent, 12/6/2020 1 Samuel 25:1-35 (Abigail) Serving While We Wait 1 Samuel 25.1-35 12-6-2020 Waiting in the Advent season is not a passive verb; it’s an...
in Advent
Building a Nest
Building a Nest Bob Stillerman Advent One: Hope; 11-29-2020 Luke 1:39-46 Building a Nest Luke 1.39-46 11-29-2020 This past summer, I saw a mama box turtle clearing gravel from a walking path to make safe...
in Advent
Joy Blooms in a Cactus
Joy Blooms in a Cactus A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Isaiah 35:1-10 12-15-2019 Joy Blooms in a Cactus Isaiah 35.1-10 12-15-2019 Admittedly, the front lawn of my home could look better. But...
in Advent
Interdependence A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Isaiah 11:1-10 12/8/2019, Second Sunday of Advent Interdependence Isaiah 11.1-10 12-8-2019 King Ahaz, what have you done, dude?!? That’s not a deal you wanna make. Ever....
in Advent
Stargazing A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Isaiah 2:1-5 12/1/2019, First Sunday of Advent Star Gazing Isaiah 2.1-5 12-1-2019 Some twenty-eight hundred years ago, the prophet Isaiah gazed upon a night sky, not...
in Advent
GRATEFUL Tillie Duncan Luke 1:39-50 Dec. 23, 2018 GRATEFUL (1) I’m reading Tim Conway’s memoir, What’s So Funny? As a high school student, he played football in spite of his small stature. One evening he...
in Advent
Homily: Debbie Kidd, December 23, 2018
Dec 23 Sardis – Single (2) Sardis – December 23 During this time at Sardis where we have wanted to hear from ‘different voices’ this Christmas season, I am taking a bit of a different...
in Advent
Do This With Joy
12.16.2018 Lk 3 7_18_ Phil 4 4_7 (1) I think of all the church seasons, Advent is my favorite. Advent has a mood about it that appeals to me as I’ve gotten older, lived more,...