
God is Present

God is Present

Speaker: | April 23, 2017

God is Present Psalm 139.1-14 4-23-2017 God is Present A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 4-23-2017 Psalm 139:1-14 I didn’t know the psalmist. As a matter of fact, I don’t know his or...

Miss Mary's Witness

Miss Mary’s Witness

Speaker: | April 16, 2017

John 20 1-18 Miss Mary’s Witness Miss Mary’s Witness A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Easter: April 16, 2017 John 20:1-18 I want to begin this morning’s sermon with an affirmation: I am...


The Gift of Peace

Speaker: | May 01, 2016

The Gift of Peace John 14.23-29 5.1.2016 Large Print The Gift of Peace A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman John 14:23-29 5-1-2016 Goodbyes are never easy. Not even for Jesus. He had come...


A Global Gift

Speaker: | April 24, 2016

A Global Gift Large Print Acts 11.1-18 4-24-2016 A Global Gift A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Acts 11:1-18 April 24, 2016 My name is Simon Peter. One day, a long time ago,...


Shepherd’s Pie

Speaker: | April 17, 2016

Shepherds Pie Psalm 23 4-17-2016 Shepherd’s Pie A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 4-17-2016 Psalm 23 Shepherd’s Pie is a mystery. I have no clue what’s in it – Supposedly, there is always...


Holy Mackerel!

Speaker: | April 10, 2016

Holy Mackerel — John 21.1-19 4.10.2016   Holy Mackerel A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church John 21: 1-19 4-10-2016 Peter was understandably tired. The last few weeks had been hectic: a triumphant entry into Jerusalem;...


Seeing is Believing

Speaker: | April 03, 2016

Seeing is Believing John 20_19-31 4-3-2016   Seeing is Believing Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church John 20:19-31 April 3, 2016 Our text begins: When it was evening on that day, the first...


Tending to the Gospel

| March 27, 2016

  Grace in a Flash — Luke 15.11-33 3.6.2016 large print Tending to the Gospel Luke 24_1-12 3.27.2016 R1 LARGE PRINT Tending to the Gospel A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Luke 24:1-12 March 27,...