in Lent
Repentance Revisited
Repentance Revisited A Sermon by Chris Hensley Based on Isaiah 55:1-9 and Luke 13:1 – 9 Presented to Sardis Baptist Church March 23, 2025 I am a pastor’s kid, or a PK in some circles....
in Lent
Forms of Salvation
Forms of Salvation A Sermon by Chris Hensley Based on Psalm 27 & Luke 9:37 – 43 Presented to Sardis Baptist Church March 16, 2025 During this season of Lent we are taking up...
in Lent
Reflection and Worship
Reflection and Worship A Sermon by Chris Hensley Based on Luke 4:1 – 13 Presented to Sardis Baptist Church March 9, 2025 Lent is upon us, that season during which the Church collectively makes...
in Lent

The Other Side of the Lake
The Other Side of the Lake Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday of Lent, 3/26/2023 Mark 8:1-10 The Other Side of the Lake Mark 8.1-10 3-26-2023 Did you know that there’s another side of the lake? Did...
in Lent

Hearing and Speaking
Hearing and Speaking Bob Stillerman Fourth Sunday of Lent, 3/19/2023 Mark 7:31-37 Hearing and Speaking Mark 7.31-37 3-19-2023 As we think about this morning’s text, I want to briefly explore three themes: 1) The relationship...
in Lent

New Possibilities
New Possibilities Bob Stillerman Second Sunday of Lent, 3/5/2023 Mark 7:24-30 New Possibilities Mark 7.24-30 3-5-2023 Let me start by offering two phrases for us to consider this morning: Scope of Work and Power of...
in Lent

Stepping with Heart and Mind
Stepping with Heart and Mind Bob Stillerman First Sunday of Lent, 2/26/2023 Mark 6:45-52 Stepping with Heart and Mind Mark 6.45-52 2-26-2023 For me, this morning’s text recalls two things: a story and a tension....
in Lent

Meeting the Text Today
Meeting the Text Today Bob Stillerman Fourth Sunday of Lent, 3/27/2022 Joshua 5:9-12 Meeting the Text Today Joshua 5,9-12 3-27-2022 I have often told this congregation that I understand salvation as space. God gives each...
in Lent

Bring Us Some Figgy Pudding (Right Now!)
Bring Me Some Figgy Pudding! Bob Stillerman Third Sunday of Lent, 3/6/2022 Luke 13:1-9 Bring Me Some Figgy Pudding Luke 13.1-9 3-20-2022 A political leader, intent on securing power, uses an act of terror to...
in Lent

In the Land of the Living
In the Land of the Living Bob Stillerman Second Sunday of Lent, 3/13/2022 Psalm 27 In the Land of the Living Psalm 27 3-13-2022 A few notes about our psalm. Let’s remember the central role...