
In the Land of the Living

In the Land of the Living

Speaker: | March 11, 2022

In the Land of the Living Bob Stillerman Second Sunday of Lent, 3/13/2022 Psalm 27 In the Land of the Living Psalm 27 3-13-2022 A few notes about our psalm. Let’s remember the central role...

Devilish Details

Devilish Details

Speaker: | March 04, 2022

Devilish Details Bob Stillerman First Sunday of Lent, 3/6/2022 Luke 4:1-13 Devilish Details Luke 4.1-13 3-6-2022 They say the devil is in the details. This morning’s text is not about red devils, or blue devils,...

Knowing God

Knowing God

Speaker: | March 19, 2021

Knowing God Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday of Lent, 3-21-2021 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Knowing God Jeremiah 31.31-34 3-21-2021 We’ve been exploring the various covenants of the Hebrew Bible during this season of Lent. In the Noahic covenant,...

A Covenant for Everyone

A Covenant for Everyone

Speaker: | February 27, 2021

A Covenant for Everyone Bob Stillerman Lent Two, 2-28-2021 Genesis 17:1-7; 15-16 A Covenant for Everyone Genesis 17.1-7.15-16 2-28-2021 Last week, we explored God’s covenant with Noah (and you and me as well!) to never...

Everybody. Everything. Every Time.

Everybody. Everything. Every Time.

Speaker: | February 19, 2021

Everybody. Everything. Every Time. Bob Stillerman First Sunday of Lent, 2-21-2021 Genesis 9:8-17 Everybody Everything Every Time Gen 9.8-17 2-21-2021 We know, that at some point in the history of our world, there was a...

Hear the Word of the Lord

Hear the Word of the Lord

Speaker: | March 28, 2020

Hear the Word of the Lord A Sermon For Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday of Lent, 3/29/2020 Ezekiel 37:1-14 Hear the Word of the Lord Ezekiel 37.1-14 3-29-2020 Long, long ago, Moses stood...

Connected to One Another

Connected to One Another

Speaker: | March 22, 2020

Connected to One Another A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Fourth Sunday of Lent, 3-22-2020 Ephesians 5:8-14 Connected to One Another Ephesians 5.8-14 3-22-2020 There’s a popular form of blessing, by which we...



Speaker: | March 15, 2020

Reconciled A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Roman 5:1-11 3-15-2020 Reconciled Romans 5.1-11 3-15-2020 We are God’s beloved. This is a remarkable truth. And I’m not sure that it’s a truth to which...

Securing Our Future

Securing Our Future

Speaker: | March 08, 2020

Securing Our Future A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 3-8-2020 (Third Sunday of Lent) Genesis 12:1-4 Securing our Future Genesis 12.1-4 3-9-2020 The poet Hellen Mellicost offers a prayer: I was regretting the...

Garden Life

Garden Life

Speaker: | March 01, 2020

Garden Life A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 3-1-2020 Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7 Garden Life Gen 2 and 3 3-1-2020 Some years ago, longer than any of us can figure, God made a garden....