
Turning Over Tables

Turning Over Tables

Speaker: | March 05, 2018

Turning Over Tables — John 2.13-22 3-4-2018 Turning Over Tables A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman John 2: 13-22 March 4, 2018 Imagine a little mom n’ pop style diner. Insert yourself on...

Until Never Again Means Never Again

Until Never Again Means Never Again

Speaker: | February 25, 2018

Until Never Again Means Never Again Until Never Again Means Never Again Genesis 9:8-17 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, 9 “As for me, I am establishing my covenant with...

Grace With Boldness

Grace With Boldness

Speaker: | April 14, 2017

Grace with Boldness Good Friday Hebrews 4 4.14.2017 Grace with Boldness A Good Friday Homily Bob Stillerman Community Good Friday Service, St. Stephen UMC Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 4-14-2017 On Monday afternoons, I have a ritual....

Who is this Man?

Who is this Man?

Speaker: | April 09, 2017

Who Is This Man — Palm Sunday Matt 21.1-11 4-9-2017 Who Is This Man? Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Palm Sunday, 4/9/2016 Matthew 21:1-11 The eighth chapter of Matthew recalls a familiar...

See and Believe

See and Believe

Speaker: | March 26, 2017

  Come and See John 1.29-42 1-15-2017  See and Believe A Homily for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman March 26, 2017 John 9: Parts of it all They say that in 1974, David Thompson could...

He had to Go Through Samaria

He had to Go Through Samaria

Speaker: | March 19, 2017

  He Had to go Through Samaria John 4.1-15 3-19-2017 He had to Go Through Samaria Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church John 4:1-15 3-19-2017 A long time ago, this place mattered. And...

A Nighttime Visit

A Nighttime Visit

Speaker: | March 12, 2017

A Nighttime Visit John 3.1-17 3-17-2017 A Nighttime Visit A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman March 10, 2017 John 3:1-17 Imagine a righteous man. Really, he’s righteous. And sincere. And disciplined. And devout....

An Invitation to Sardis Cafe

An Invitation to Sardis Cafe

| March 05, 2017

03.05.2017 attachment 03.05.2017 Lent1   Lent 2017: An Invitation to Sardis Cafe  In this Lenten Season, we will not march toward a cross.  And in this Lenten season, we will not dwell in darkness, hoping...


A Table Beyond the Wilderness

Speaker: | March 05, 2017

A Table Beyond The Wilderness — Matthew 4.1-11 3-5-2017 A Table Beyond the Wilderness A Homily for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Matthew 4:1-11 March 5, 2017 Today’s lection is strange. For starters, we’re just...


What’s Next?

Speaker: | March 20, 2016

What’s Next Palm Sunday Luke 19.28-40 3.20.2016 What’s Next Palm Sunday Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church 3-20-2016 Luke: 19:28-40 It’s early in the morning, and Jerusalem still sleeps.  But the vibrations are growing louder. The...