in Lent

A Nighttime Visit
A Nighttime Visit John 3.1-17 3-17-2017 A Nighttime Visit A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman March 10, 2017 John 3:1-17 Imagine a righteous man. Really, he’s righteous. And sincere. And disciplined. And devout....
in Lent

An Invitation to Sardis Cafe
03.05.2017 attachment 03.05.2017 Lent1 Lent 2017: An Invitation to Sardis Cafe In this Lenten Season, we will not march toward a cross. And in this Lenten season, we will not dwell in darkness, hoping...
in Lent
A Table Beyond the Wilderness
A Table Beyond The Wilderness — Matthew 4.1-11 3-5-2017 A Table Beyond the Wilderness A Homily for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Matthew 4:1-11 March 5, 2017 Today’s lection is strange. For starters, we’re just...
in Lent
What’s Next?
What’s Next Palm Sunday Luke 19.28-40 3.20.2016 What’s Next Palm Sunday Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church 3-20-2016 Luke: 19:28-40 It’s early in the morning, and Jerusalem still sleeps. But the vibrations are growing louder. The...
in Lent
Extravagant Service
Extravagant Service — John 12.1-8 3.13.2106 Extravagant Service Sardis Baptist Church 3-13-2016 John 12:1-8 Jesus is weary. Tired. Perhaps even homesick. Ministry is hard. He’s walked thousands of miles; he’s slept in too many strange...
in Lent
Grace in a Flash
Grace in a Flash — Luke 15.11-33 3.6.2016 Grace in a Flash A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Luke 15: 11-32 (The parable of the prodigal son and his brother) 3-6-2016 Each noonday it’s the...
in Lent
Tending Our Future
Tending Our Future Luke 13.1-9 2.28.2016 Tending Our Future A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church 2-28-2016 Luke 13:1-9 On Wednesday afternoon, Kathryn texted to let me know that the power had gone out at...
in Lent
Lent’s Love Letters
2-14-16 – Lent’s Love Letters – Deut 26 1-11 LENT’S LOVE LETTERS Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Feb. 14, 2016 Today is Valentine’s Day. Today is the first Sunday in Lent, 2016. Though they may seem to be...