Ordinary Time

Whom Shall We Serve?

Whom Shall We Serve?

Speaker: | August 19, 2018

Whom Shall We Serve? Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Joshua 1:1-9 8-19-2018 Whom Shall We Serve Joshua 1.1-9 8-19-2018 Joshua and the Israelites stood poised to move east toward the Land God...

I L-O-A-V-E You

I L-O-A-V-E You

Speaker: | August 12, 2018

I L-O-A-V-E You A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 8-12-2018 John 6:35, 41-51 I Loave You John 6 8-12-2018 We’ve spent a few weeks in the sixth chapter of John’s gospel, and so...

An Appetite for Love

An Appetite for Love

Speaker: | July 29, 2018

An Appetite for Love Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church 7-29-2018 John 6:1-21 An Appetite for Love John 6.1-21 7-29-2018 Love is remarkable. Love prompts us to do unlikely, even miraculous things. There’s...

A Faith Formed in Footnotes

A Faith Formed in Footnotes

Speaker: | July 22, 2018

A Faith Formed in Footnotes Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Mark 6:30-34; 50-53 7-22-2018 A Faith Formed in Footnotes Mark 6.30-34.50-53 7-22-2018 I’ll admit it. I feel a little cheated. Upset even....

Searching for Life

Searching for Life

Speaker: | July 15, 2018

Searching for Life A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Mark 6:14-29 7-15-2018 Searching for Life Mark 6.14-29 7-15-2018 Last week, we learned that Jesus, despite his abilities, and despite the good things he...

Just Jesus

Just Jesus

Speaker: | July 08, 2018

Just Jesus Mark 6.1-13 7-8-2018 Just Jesus A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 7-8-2018 Mark 6:1-13 “He’s not special. He’s just Jesus. And we know plenty of people like him.” Whether it’s First-century...

They had Names You Know!

They had Names You Know!

Speaker: | July 01, 2018

They had Names You Know A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Mark 5:21-43 7-1-2018 They had Names You Know — Mark 5.21-32 7-1-2018 We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men...

Pass the Mustard

Pass the Mustard

Speaker: | June 17, 2018

Pass the Mustard Mark 4.26-32 6-17-2018 Pass the Mustard A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 6-17-2018 Mark 4:26-32 Creeper Grass  Jacqueline and I have lived in our home for three years. It’s the...

The Potential of the Spirit

The Potential of the Spirit

Speaker: | June 10, 2018

The Potential of the Spirit Mark 3.20-35 6-10-2018 The Potential of the Spirit Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Mark 3:20-35 June 10, 2018 It’s Graduation Sunday, a day when we look back...