Ordinary Time



Speaker: | September 05, 2019

Etiquette A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 9-1-2019 Luke 14:1;7-14 Etiquitte Luke 14.1-14 9-1-2019 We live in a world ruled by etiquette. Here in North Carolina and other southern states, we may even...

From Consumption to Connection

From Consumption to Connection

Speaker: | August 25, 2019

From Consumption to Connection Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church 8-25-2019 Genesis 1:26-2:3 Consumption 8-25-2019 R1 There’s a classic motif in Alien Invasion movies. Extraterrestrial envoys are sent in search of new planets...

Expanding Our Neighborhood

Expanding Our Neighborhood

Speaker: | August 18, 2019

Expanding Our Neighborhood A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Genesis 1:1-3; Psalm 24: 1-2; Revelation 5:13 8-18-2019 Creation Genesis 1.1-3 8-18-2019 Martin Luther King Jr. once preached a sermon about the story of...

Jesus Became Like Us

Jesus Became Like Us

Speaker: | August 06, 2019

“JESUS BECAME LIKE US” Tim Moore Sardis Baptist Church Galatians 4:4-7 August 4, 2019 Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Tim Moore was our guest proclaimer this week, and also led our discussion in Sunday School. His...

Imaginative Prayer

Imaginative Prayer

Speaker: | July 28, 2019

Imaginative Prayer A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 7-28-2019 Matthew: 6-14 Imaginative Prayer Matthew 6.1-14 7-28-2019 Alice Cooper famously sang, “School’s out for the summer!” And if I’m being 100% honest with you...

Saving Space

Saving Space

Speaker: | July 21, 2019

Saving Space Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church 7-21-2019 Isaiah 40:1-5; 52:7-10 The Space to be Saved — Isaiah 40.1-5 and 52.7-10 7-21-2019 Years ago, I bought a book by Mary Donovan Turner...



Speaker: | July 14, 2019

Yikes! Do We Have To Talk About This? Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church 7-14-2019 Psalm 1 Yikes Psalm 1 7-14-2019 Why must we make everything SO linear? SO polarized? SO precise? Coke...

To Luke or Not to Luke

To Luke or Not to Luke

Speaker: | July 08, 2019

To Luke or Not to Luke Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church 7-7-2019 Luke 10:1-11; 16-20 To Luke or Not to Luke Luke 10.1-11,16-20 7-7-2019 My theology professor, Frank Tupper, used to begin...