A Charge for Sardis
A Charge for Sardis Bob Stillerman Trinity Sunday, 6/4/2023 Matthew 28:16-20 A Charge for Sardis Matthew 28.16-20 6-4-2023 In the beginning, following Jesus was straight-forward for the disciples: they literally followed Jesus around the Galilee....

That’s One Way to See It
That’s One Way to See It Bob Stillerman Trinity Sunday, 5/30/2021 Isaiah 6:1-8 That is One Way to See It Isaiah 6.1-8 5-30-2021 In this morning’s text, we read of Isaiah’s grand vision: God is...

Esse Quam Videri. Ut Prosim. Think and Do.
Esse Quam Videri. Ut Prosim. Think and Do. Bob Stillerman Trinity Sunday, 6-7-2020 Genesis 1:1-2:3 Trinity Sunday Genesis 1.1-2.4a 6-7-2020 It’s fitting that Trinity Sunday, as well as the first creation story of Genesis align...

There’s a Sweet Sweet Spirit
There’s a Sweet, Sweet Spirit A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Trinity Sunday 6-16-2019 John 16:12-15 There is a Sweet Sweet Spirit John 16.12-15 6-16-2019 We hold these truths to be self-evident. And...

Seeing Something New
Seeing Something New Isaiah 6.1-8 5-27-2018 Seeing Something New A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Isaiah 6:1-8 Trinity Sunday 5-27-2018 The ceiling here in the meetinghouse is probably 25-30 feet high. On Sundays,...

I AM WHO I WILL BE — Matthew 28.16-20 6-11-2017 I AM WHO I WILL BE A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Trinity Sunday June 11, 2017 Matthew 28:16-20 Today’s passage is often...
All That is Mine is Yours
All That Is Mine Is Yours John 16.1-12 5-19-2016 All That Is Mine Is Yours Trinity Sunday A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman May 19, 2016 John 16:12-15 A few months ago,...