Holy Ground
Holy Ground Bob Stillerman Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 9, 7/11/2021 Psalm 122 Holy Ground Psalm 122 7-11-2021 In 2012, I was fortunate enough to follow in the path of the pilgrims of our faith....
Realizing the Possible
Realizing the Possible Bob Stillerman Sixth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 9, 7/4/2021 Mark 6:1-13 Realizing the Possible Mark 6.1-13 7-4-2021 More than four hundred years ago, the earliest Baptists that emerged in England and Holland,...

Her Name Was June
Her Name Was June Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 8, 6/27/2021 Mark 5:21-43 Her Name Was June Mark 5.21-43 6-27-2021 Jairus seems like a good fellow. He’s a town booster. He’s a faithful...

Not So Smooth Sailing
Not So Smooth Sailing Bob Stillerman Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 7, 6/20/2021 Mark 4:35-41 Not So Smooth Sailing Mark 4.35-41 6-20-2021 There’s a lake in Mark’s Gospel. Well actually, it’s in all four gospels...

All Tangled and Such
All Tangled and Such Bob Stillerman Third Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 6, 6/13/2021 Graduate Recognition Mark 4:26-34 All Tangled and Such Mark 4.26-34 6-13-2021 It’s a strange little anecdote. Jesus tells us the Kingdom of...

Choosing Our Authority
Choosing Our Authority Bob Stillerman Second Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 5, 6/6/2021 Mark 3:20-35 Choosing Our Authority Mark 3.20-35 6-6-2021 There are two main things happening in today’s text (well, actually, there’s a lot more...

That’s One Way to See It
That’s One Way to See It Bob Stillerman Trinity Sunday, 5/30/2021 Isaiah 6:1-8 That is One Way to See It Isaiah 6.1-8 5-30-2021 In this morning’s text, we read of Isaiah’s grand vision: God is...

Be the Story
Be the Story Bob Stillerman Day of Pentecost, 5/23/2021 Acts 2:1-21 Be the Story Acts 2.1-21 5-23-2021 This morning, I want to explore three new insights, well newish insights, that emerge from my reading of...

A Witness in Waiting
A Witness in Waiting Bob Stillerman Ascension Sunday, 5-16-2021 Luke 24:44-53 A Witness in Waiting Luke 24.44-53 5-16-2021 We have been introduced to an Easter world, a post-resurrection world, a world where death, and darkness,...

Singing a New Psalm
Singing a New Psalm Bob Stillerman Sixth Sunday of Easter, 5-7-2021 Psalm 98 Singing a New Psalm Psalm 98 5-7-2021 It seems an odd text to read on Mother’s Day: God, the warrior king, omnipotent...