Sermons by Rev Bob Stillerman

Holy Ground

Holy Ground

Speaker: | July 10, 2021

Holy Ground Bob Stillerman Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 9, 7/11/2021 Psalm 122 Holy Ground Psalm 122 7-11-2021 In 2012, I was fortunate enough to follow in the path of the pilgrims of our faith....


Realizing the Possible

Speaker: | July 03, 2021

Realizing the Possible Bob Stillerman Sixth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 9, 7/4/2021 Mark 6:1-13 Realizing the Possible Mark 6.1-13 7-4-2021 More than four hundred years ago, the earliest Baptists that emerged in England and Holland,...

Her Name Was June

Her Name Was June

Speaker: | June 24, 2021

Her Name Was June Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 8, 6/27/2021 Mark 5:21-43 Her Name Was June Mark 5.21-43 6-27-2021 Jairus seems like a good fellow. He’s a town booster. He’s a faithful...

Not So Smooth Sailing

Not So Smooth Sailing

Speaker: | June 18, 2021

Not So Smooth Sailing Bob Stillerman Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 7, 6/20/2021 Mark 4:35-41 Not So Smooth Sailing Mark 4.35-41 6-20-2021 There’s a lake in Mark’s Gospel. Well actually, it’s in all four gospels...

All Tangled and Such

All Tangled and Such

Speaker: | June 11, 2021

All Tangled and Such Bob Stillerman Third Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 6, 6/13/2021 Graduate Recognition Mark 4:26-34 All Tangled and Such Mark 4.26-34 6-13-2021 It’s a strange little anecdote. Jesus tells us the Kingdom of...

Choosing Our Authority

Choosing Our Authority

Speaker: | June 04, 2021

Choosing Our Authority Bob Stillerman Second Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 5, 6/6/2021 Mark 3:20-35 Choosing Our Authority Mark 3.20-35 6-6-2021 There are two main things happening in today’s text (well, actually, there’s a lot more...

That's One Way to See It

That’s One Way to See It

Speaker: | May 28, 2021

That’s One Way to See It Bob Stillerman Trinity Sunday, 5/30/2021 Isaiah 6:1-8 That is One Way to See It Isaiah 6.1-8 5-30-2021 In this morning’s text, we read of Isaiah’s grand vision: God is...

Be the Story

Be the Story

Speaker: | May 21, 2021

Be the Story Bob Stillerman Day of Pentecost, 5/23/2021 Acts 2:1-21 Be the Story Acts 2.1-21 5-23-2021 This morning, I want to explore three new insights, well newish insights, that emerge from my reading of...

A Witness in Waiting

A Witness in Waiting

Speaker: | May 15, 2021

A Witness in Waiting Bob Stillerman Ascension Sunday, 5-16-2021 Luke 24:44-53 A Witness in Waiting Luke 24.44-53 5-16-2021 We have been introduced to an Easter world, a post-resurrection world, a world where death, and darkness,...

Singing a New Psalm

Singing a New Psalm

Speaker: | May 07, 2021

Singing a New Psalm Bob Stillerman Sixth Sunday of Easter, 5-7-2021 Psalm 98 Singing a New Psalm Psalm 98 5-7-2021 It seems an odd text to read on Mother’s Day: God, the warrior king, omnipotent...