in Advent

Building a Nest
Building a Nest Bob Stillerman Advent One: Hope; 11-29-2020 Luke 1:39-46 Building a Nest Luke 1.39-46 11-29-2020 This past summer, I saw a mama box turtle clearing gravel from a walking path to make safe...

Third Parable’s A Charm
Third Parable’s A Charm Bob Stillerman Reign of Christ Sunday, 11/22/2020 Matthew 25:31-46 Third Parable is a Charm Matthew 25.31-46 11-22-2020 Hmm…where to start?!? How about the beginning? I, I think like most of you,...

Using Our Talents
Using Our Talents Bob Stillerman Proper 28, Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, 11/15/2020 Matthew 25:14-30 Using Our Talents Matthew 25.14-30 11-15-2020 The allegory strikes again!!! Let’s start with the “man” who was about to take a...

It’s a Parable, Silly
It’s a Parable, Silly Bob Stillerman Proper 27. Pentecost 23, 11-8-2020 Matthew 25:1-13 Its a Parable Silly Matthew 25.1-13 11-8-2020 You know the story. There was gonna be a huge party: a wedding feast or...

A Better World
A Better World Homily for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman All Saints Sunday 11-1-2020 1 John 3:1-3 A Better World 1 John 3.1-3 11-1-2020 3:1 See what love the Father has given us, that we...

Pocket Change
Pocket Change Bob Stillerman Proper 24. Pentecost 20, 10-18-2020 Matthew 22:15-22 Pocket Change Every morning, when I wake up, I gladly accept the breath that God has given me. I roll over, and see a...

IDOL-ing Bob Stillerman Proper 23. Pentecost 19, 10-11-2020 Exodus 32:1-14 IDOL-ing Exdous 32.1-14 10-11-2020 The salvific quality of the Exodus story – the thing that offers each of us rescue, and reassurance, and newfound freedom...

Words for the Table
WORDS FOR THE TABLE Bob Stillerman World Communion Sunday, 10/4/2020 Psalm 19 Words for the Table Psalm 19 10-4-2020 In this morning’s text, the Psalmist reminds us that nature needs no instruction in modeling God’s...

Authority to be Enough
Authority to be Enough Bob Stillerman Proper 21, Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, 9-27-2020 Matthew 21:23-32 Authority to be Enough Matthew 21.23-32 9-27-2020 One Spring day, Jesus strode into the Jerusalem Temple, and he was distraught...

Space for What’s Next
Space for What’s Next Bob Stillerman Proper 19, Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, 9-13-2020 Exodus 14:19-31 Space for Whats Next Exodus 14.19-31 9-13-2020 Imagine you had been enslaved for more than four-hundred years: forced to labor...