Let’s All Praise the Lord!
Let’s All Praise the Lord! Bob Stillerman 2nd Sunday After Pentecost, 6/19/2022 Galatians 3:23-29 Lets All Praise the Lord Galatians 3.23-29 6-19-2022 The old song reminds us that Father Abraham had many children and many...

Unsealed Bob Stillerman Pentecost Sunday, 6-5-2022 Acts 2:1-21 Unsealed Acts 2.1-21 Pentecost Sunday 6-5-2022 This is an unassuming package of coffee. Just a brick, really. But it’s captured my attention this morning, or I suppose...
in Easter

Who Are You?
Who Are You? Bob Stillerman Sixth Sunday of Easter, 5/22/2022 Acts 16:9-15 Who Are You Acts 16.9-15 5-22-2022 Our text tells us that Paul, Silas, and Timothy are traveling throughout the provinces of Phrygia and...
in Easter

Love One Another
Love One Another Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday of Easter, 5/15/2022 John 13:31-35 Love One Another John 13.31-35 5-15-2022 A lot has happened since Maundy Thursday. A whole month, actually! It’s doubtful that the readings from...
in Easter

Mothering Love
Mothering Love Bob Stillerman Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5/8/2022 Acts 9:36-43 Mothering Love Acts 9.36-43 5-8-2022 While I was a student at Wake Forest Divinity School, I was fortunate to have Phyllis Trible as a...

Acting Like It’s Easter
Acting Like It’s Easter Bob Stillerman Second Sunday of Easter, 4/24/2022 Acts 5: 27-32 Acting Like It Is Easter Acts 5.27-32 4-24-2022 When we gathered on Maundy Thursday, I mentioned the paradox of that first...

Seen and Seeing
Seen and Seeing Bob Stillerman Easter Sunday, 4/17/2022 Luke 24:1-12 Seen and Seeing Luke 24.1-12 4-17-2022 Two women, Mary and Elizabeth are unlikely mothers. One too young, one too old, both scandalized unjustly by stubborn...
in Palm Sunday

The Journey Ahead
The Journey Ahead Bob Stillerman Palm Sunday, 4/10/2022 Luke 19:28-40 The Journey Ahead Luke 19.28-40 4-10-2022 I’ve read Luke’s account of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem many times. I have not, however, spent a whole of...

Exodus, Exile, and Newness
Exodus, Exile, and Newness Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday of Lent, 4/3/2022 Isaiah 43:16-21 Exodus Exile and Newness Isaiah 43.16-21 4-3-2022 The writer of Second Isaiah, positioned amid Babylonian exile, remembers the Exodus. God made space...
in Lent

Meeting the Text Today
Meeting the Text Today Bob Stillerman Fourth Sunday of Lent, 3/27/2022 Joshua 5:9-12 Meeting the Text Today Joshua 5,9-12 3-27-2022 I have often told this congregation that I understand salvation as space. God gives each...