Sermons by Rev Bob Stillerman

Let's All Praise the Lord!

Let’s All Praise the Lord!

Speaker: | June 18, 2022

Let’s All Praise the Lord! Bob Stillerman 2nd Sunday After Pentecost, 6/19/2022 Galatians 3:23-29 Lets All Praise the Lord Galatians 3.23-29 6-19-2022 The old song reminds us that Father Abraham had many children and many...



Speaker: | June 02, 2022

Unsealed Bob Stillerman Pentecost Sunday, 6-5-2022 Acts 2:1-21 Unsealed Acts 2.1-21 Pentecost Sunday 6-5-2022 This is an unassuming package of coffee. Just a brick, really. But it’s captured my attention this morning, or I suppose...

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Speaker: | May 21, 2022

Who Are You? Bob Stillerman Sixth Sunday of Easter, 5/22/2022 Acts 16:9-15 Who Are You Acts 16.9-15 5-22-2022 Our text tells us that Paul, Silas, and Timothy are traveling throughout the provinces of Phrygia and...

Love One Another

Love One Another

Speaker: | May 14, 2022

Love One Another Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday of Easter, 5/15/2022 John 13:31-35 Love One Another John 13.31-35 5-15-2022 A lot has happened since Maundy Thursday. A whole month, actually! It’s doubtful that the readings from...

Mothering Love

Mothering Love

Speaker: | May 07, 2022

Mothering Love Bob Stillerman Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5/8/2022 Acts 9:36-43 Mothering Love Acts 9.36-43 5-8-2022 While I was a student at Wake Forest Divinity School, I was fortunate to have Phyllis Trible as a...

Seen and Seeing

Seen and Seeing

Speaker: | April 15, 2022

Seen and Seeing Bob Stillerman Easter Sunday, 4/17/2022 Luke 24:1-12 Seen and Seeing Luke 24.1-12 4-17-2022 Two women, Mary and Elizabeth are unlikely mothers. One too young, one too old, both scandalized unjustly by stubborn...

The Journey Ahead

The Journey Ahead

Speaker: | April 08, 2022

The Journey Ahead Bob Stillerman Palm Sunday, 4/10/2022 Luke 19:28-40 The Journey Ahead Luke 19.28-40 4-10-2022 I’ve read Luke’s account of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem many times. I have not, however, spent a whole of...

Exodus, Exile, and Newness

Exodus, Exile, and Newness

Speaker: | April 01, 2022

Exodus, Exile, and Newness Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday of Lent, 4/3/2022 Isaiah 43:16-21 Exodus Exile and Newness Isaiah 43.16-21 4-3-2022 The writer of Second Isaiah, positioned amid Babylonian exile, remembers the Exodus. God made space...

Meeting the Text Today

Meeting the Text Today

Speaker: | March 25, 2022

Meeting the Text Today Bob Stillerman Fourth Sunday of Lent, 3/27/2022 Joshua 5:9-12 Meeting the Text Today Joshua 5,9-12 3-27-2022 I have often told this congregation that I understand salvation as space. God gives each...