May 2023

No Need to Be Terrified Bob Stillerman Pentecost Sunday, 5/28/2023 Acts 2:1-21 No Need to be Terrified Acts 2.1-21 5-28-2023 Theophany is a fancy word for an encounter or personal experience with God. The earliest examples of theophany in our scriptures include God’s appearances to Sarah and Abraham as a stranger, to Jacob as a wrestler, and to Moses as a burning bush. Throughout the Exodus story, God appears as both a powerful, rumbling earthquake, as well as a pillar of cloud by day, and fire by night. Whatever form the theophany......
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May 2020

A Flame that Illumines; A Wind that Connects Bob Stillerman Pentecost, 5/31/2020 Acts 2:1-21 A Flame that Connects A Wind that Illumines Acts 2.1-21 5-31-2020 One of my favorite words or images in scripture is ruach: God’s creative breath. It’s the breath or wind that sweeps over boggy waters and a formless void in Genesis and produces light; I think it’s the same breath that inhabits the first earth creatures in the garden, not to mention all of their animal, insect, and plant-based companions; it’s the same breath that animates Lady Wisdom;......
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