May 2018

A Language of Love Pentecost Acts 2.1-21 5-20-2018 A Language of Love A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Pentecost May 20, 2018 Acts 2:1-21 Seven years ago, I joined a consortium of Wake Forest students on an interfaith pilgrimage to Israel. One morning, we visited Mount Arbel National Park near the city of Tiberias. The peak of Mount Arbel rises some 380 meters from its base, providing panoramic views of the Sea of Galilee and the Golan Heights. It’s a breathtaking setting. It gives you the same kind of feeling......
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Jun 2017

The Languages of God — Pentecost Sunday Acts 2.1-21 6-4-2017 The Language(s) of God A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Pentecost Sunday June 4, 2017 Acts 2:1-21 If you’ve ever watched a United Nations meeting on television, you can’t help but notice all the translators, and all the equipment that is used to help ambassadors from around the world communicate with one another. It’s really an impressive sight. A speaker addresses the convention in his/her native tongue. As he/she speaks, the words are translated into native tongues by a team......
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