May 2021
![A Witness in Waiting](https://sardisbaptistcharlotte.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/9.png)
A Witness in Waiting Bob Stillerman Ascension Sunday, 5-16-2021 Luke 24:44-53 A Witness in Waiting Luke 24.44-53 5-16-2021 We have been introduced to an Easter world, a post-resurrection world, a world where death, and darkness, and corporate blah are not the final word. And yet we’re still in a period of transition. We await the arrival of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost next Sunday, and the birth of its vehicle, this thing we call Church with a capital-C. And in this morning’s passage, Jesus cannot be clearer in instructing and informing our......
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May 2020
![Not How He Left Us, But What He Left Us to Do](https://sardisbaptistcharlotte.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/The-way.jpg)
Not How He Left Us, But What He Left Us to Do Bob Stillerman Ascension Sunday, 5-24-2020 Luke 24:44-53 Not How He Left Luke 24.44-53 5-24-2020 Several years ago, as I was walking along the front sidewalk of the church yard, I stopped to look up and admire our steeple. And something really interesting caught my attention: there, in the middle rung of the steeple shutters, was a tennis ball, wedged in the most incomprehensible of manners. As I stood there looking up, at first, I was kind of annoyed that I......
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Jun 2019
![Last Thursday](https://sardisbaptistcharlotte.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/IMG_20190417_173622.jpg)
Last Thursday A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 6-2-2019 Luke 24:44-53 Last Thursday Luke 24.44-53 6-2-2019 (1) Easter, well at least Resurrection Sunday, was six weeks ago. And while we are technically still in the season of Easter (it’s now the seventh Sunday), it may feel like the events of Holy week happened several news cycles ago. I Googled headlines from Easter week on Friday – one read, “Game of Thrones Reveals Epic Battle in Episode Three Trailer.” It’s been a while. We’re different people now! The Iron Throne is......
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May 2018
![From Bethany to Jerusalem](https://sardisbaptistcharlotte.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/ascension.gif)
From Bethany to Jerusalem Luke 24.44-53 5-13-2018 From Bethany to Jerusalem A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Luke 24:44-53 May 13, 2018 I want you to think for a moment about significant events in your life. I’ll share a few of mine: a driver’s license (second try!), high school, college, and seminary graduations, an ordination day, a wedding day, the birth of our first child, the funerals of grandparents, just to name a few. There are commonalities in each of these experiences. I remember it taking a while for the......
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May 2017
![Now What?](https://sardisbaptistcharlotte.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/sardis-collage.jpg)
Now What Luke 24.44-53 5-28-2017 What Now? An Ascension Sunday Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman May 28, 2017 Luke 24:44-53 42 days ago, we gathered in the labyrinth just before dawn. And as the sun crept slowly over the horizon, a pinkish hue filled the sky, and we read Mary’s familiar words: “I have seen the Lord.” And for a fleeting moment, it was Easter. And I can’t help but wonder: how is it that 42 days seems a lifetime ago? But it HAS been a lifetime, because we’ve been......
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May 2016
Witnesses Not Spectators — Luke 24.44-53 5-8-2016 Witnesses, Not Spectators A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Luke 24:44-53 5-8-2016 Anybody can choose be a spectator. Anybody! But not everybody can choose to be a witness. Let me explain. A spectator is someone who sees or observes an event: a play, a ballgame, a concert, or some other form of entertainment. That’s it. A spectator is simply present for an activity. Being a spectator is easy. Well let me rephrase that. Once you’ve become a spectator, it’s easy to be a......
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