
Feb 2021
Bouncing Balls and Fishing Holes

Bouncing Balls and Fishing Holes Bob Stillerman Epiphany Five, 2-7-2021 Mark 1:29-39 Bouncing Balls and Fishing Holes Bouncing Balls and Fishing Holes Mark 1.29-39 2-7-2021 There are two themes I want to invite you to consider as we process this morning’s lection: 1) The ministry of Jesus is characterized by a fluid, empowering sense of energy. 2) When Jesus offered the disciples to the opportunity to fish for people, he meant it. Let’s start with this idea of fluid energy. For Halloween, Mary Allen’s teacher gave her a few of those tiny......

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Feb 2018
The Day the Church Was Born

The Day the Church Was Born Mark 1.29-39 2-4-2018 The Day the Church Was Born A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman February 4, 2018 Mark 1:29-39 (Emphasis on 29-34) I’m not sure how or when it happened, but it happened. Somewhere along the way, somebody out there decided that the authors of Matthew and Luke and John should get to have all the fun. Maybe it happened over the course of time, and we never really even noticed. Or maybe there was a board meeting or a draft day, and......

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