
Jul 2021

Realizing the Possible Bob Stillerman Sixth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 9, 7/4/2021 Mark 6:1-13 Realizing the Possible Mark 6.1-13 7-4-2021 More than four hundred years ago, the earliest Baptists that emerged in England and Holland, held tight to the idea of a believer’s baptism. Back in those days, to be baptized into the Anglican Church was to also become a citizen of England, because the Church and State were one. Our faith ancestors believed this to be a coercive practice; no reasonable person would refuse baptism, because to do so would be......

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Jul 2018
Just Jesus

Just Jesus Mark 6.1-13 7-8-2018 Just Jesus A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 7-8-2018 Mark 6:1-13 “He’s not special. He’s just Jesus. And we know plenty of people like him.” Whether it’s First-century Nazareth or Twenty-First Century Charlotte, we’ve heard it too many times before. God doesn’t work through people like you. God doesn’t dwell in the ordinary. And God certainly doesn’t show up in places like this. And I can’t help but wonder, how spectacular does God have to be to get recognized? Why must God be forced to......

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