
Sep 2021
A Childlike Welcome

A Childlike Welcome Bob Stillerman 17th Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 20, 9/19/2021 Mark 9:30-37 A Childlike Welcome 9-19-2021 What do you think it means to welcome a child in the name of Jesus? I suppose we need to reflect on three primer questions before we can answer this particular question in any significant and meaningful way. What do we know about children? And what do we know about Jesus? And what do we know about welcoming others? What do we know about children? Jonathan reminds us that they are curious. He says......

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Sep 2018
Why do You Want to be so Great?

Why do You Want to be so Great? A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Mark 9:30-37 9-23-2018 Why do you want to be so Great Mark 9.30-37 9-23-2018 We live in a post-Easter world. The Resurrection, and all sorts of other little resurrections are now possible. Death is no longer final. And little deaths, those things that suck the marrow out of life: bad relationships, mundane office jobs, the blah-ness of everyday chores and activities – we no longer have to die to them either. The story of Jesus, the......

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