
Nov 2020
It's a Parable, Silly

It’s a Parable, Silly Bob Stillerman Proper 27. Pentecost 23, 11-8-2020 Matthew 25:1-13 Its a Parable Silly Matthew 25.1-13 11-8-2020 You know the story. There was gonna be a huge party: a wedding feast or celebration to rival the biggest soiree you can imagine. And the most handsome groom was gonna come calling on ten intelligent, charismatic, beautiful, virtuous, strong women, who would bear torches, and help this young man welcome his bride like Arthur welcomed Guinevere. But something happened; the bridegroom missed his Uber, or got detained finishing arrangements for the......

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Nov 2017
No Shortage

No Shortage A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Matthew 25:1-13 November 12, 2017 No Shortage — Matthew 25.1-13 11-12-2017 This morning, let’s read our text in a traditional way. Let’s assume it’s an allegory. The bridegroom is the Christ. The ten maidens are church-going folks like you and me. The wedding banquet is the kingdom of heaven – that place or space or Holy Communion we’re given a foretaste of in the presence of Jesus. The bridegroom has gone off to attend to his business, presumably negotiating a dowry in......

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