
Apr 2021
Very Good, Indeed

Very Good, Indeed Bob Stillerman Second Sunday of Easter, 4/11/2021 Psalm 133 Very Good Indeed Psalm 133 4-11-2021 My interest is piqued by the word “very” in this morning’s text, especially when combined with the word “good.” We’ve read the first creation story in Genesis enough times to recognize the import of the phrase very good. God creates each part of creation: land and sky and seas, vegetation, morning and evening lights, heavenly lights, people, critters, swimming things, and everything else that fills up the universe.  And then God calls all of......

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Aug 2020
Life is Good

Life is Good Bob Stillerman Proper 15, Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, 8/16/2020 Psalm 133 Life is Good Psalm 133 8-16-2020 A lot of times, worship at Sardis is hypoallergenic. That is to say, our sense of smell is one we rarely incorporate into our weekly liturgies. Of course, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. We live in a world full of products and consumable goods that are not made of organic things, and too often these non-organic things cause really bad side effects for our community members: chemicals, perfumes, oils, and other......

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