Sep 2019

Sardis Baptist Church will host a Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, September 28th at 10:00 AM. The service is an opportunity to recognize and give thanks for every animal in our biosphere. All animals, insects and even microorganisms play a role in our ecosystem, and we’ll give thanks for them all. Our pets have a special place in our lives and will have a special place in this service. Pet companions model unconditional love and affection. For many people, they provide companionship that is unavailable elsewhere. The service will offer a......
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Sep 2019

Each time we gather at Sardis, we offer prayers of thanksgiving and intercession to God for the friends and family whom we love, as well as our many neighbors near and far. Those prayers aren’t just limited to our human neighbors, but also include all the creatures of God’s great and wonderful creation. In many instances, our pets and other beloved animals offer a companionship that is unmatched – they offer unconditional love, keep us safe, and infuse us with energy. They understand us. We think it’s important to acknowledge the special......
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Sep 2018
Sardis Baptist Church will host a Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, September 29th at 10:00 AM. The service is an opportunity to recognize and give thanks for all of God’s creation, especially our animal friends. Pets have a special place in our lives because they model unconditional love and affection. For many people, they provide companionship that is unavailable elsewhere. The service will offer a chance for each family’s pet to receive an individual blessing, as well as a time of remembrance for departed pets. Children are encouraged to bring their......
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Sep 2018

This Saturday, September 29, 2018, Sardis will hold its third annual Blessing of the Animals. This is an opportunity to offer thanks for the very special animal friends in our lives — the ones that model how we should love one another. We’ll pause to pray for, celebrate, and bless these special creatures. You can learn more about the event here. During last year’s event, we had the special privilege to meet Jessica Wallace from Bullies 2 The Rescue, a Charlotte-based animal shelter that rescues English and French Bull Dogs. The Bullies crew has......
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