Sep 2019

In this age of polarization, there are very few things we can agree on, but some things transcend politics. One of those things is the right of all people, especially children, to have consistent access to food and clean water. It’s not that we have a lack of these things. Instead, it’s a problem of resource allocation. And not just in places far away from Charlotte. As a matter of fact, nearly one in four NC school children are food insufficient, meaning that they aren’t sure where their next meal will come......
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Sep 2018

Sardis doesn’t just want walkers and donations for the 2018 CROP Walk! We want our community to immerse itself in issues related to hunger. So we’re inviting you to participate in the 2018 Sardis CROP Challenge. Here’s how it works: Everyone at Sardis (and friends, too!) are invited to see if they can earn 100 challenge points. Points can be earned in the following ways: ● 25 points – Walk in CROP Walk. Register Here. ● Receive 1 point for every dollar donated up to $25 ● Receive 25 points for every......
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