Worship at Sardis is the highlight of our communion together. We easily do more planning and preparation for worship than any other event in our church. Our worship style is “free church liturgical” – meaning we borrow the best liturgy resources from Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Quaker and ancient worship traditions and freely adapt them to fit our Baptist context. So, one Sunday we may observe Quaker silence for a few minutes and another week watch a short drama from the “contemporary worship” style. We may pray the scriptures (Lectio Divina) as Medieval monasteries once did or sing Taize choruses from the modern ecumenical monastery in France. We may worship in the round, in a Quaker square, or in traditional pews. We follow the Christian year – Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, etc. – and use the colors and themes of the seasons to guide worship planning.
Each week worship is uniquely planned with the congregation in mind and offered to God with praise and thanksgiving. To learn more about worship at Sardis explore the sidebars.
Read Sermons from worship at Sardis.
The Choir at Sardis Baptist consists of a group of very talented and dedicated adults. This choir sings for Sunday morning and special worship services. They sing music from variety of sacred music including classical, spirituals and music from contemporary composers. This choir also has talented and willing soloists and instrumentalists. Choir practice is on Wednesday evenings at 7:30. Practice is a joy, where fellow singers laugh and enjoy each others company while doing something that each loves. Typically the choir takes the months of July and August off and we enjoy guest musicians during those Sundays.
We are fortunate to have an experienced minister of music, Hilary Kearns McIntyre. We are doubly blessed to have a wonderful accompanist and accomplished pianist in Irena Hramenkova. Trained at a famed Moscow music school, Irena is a master at the piano.
The Taize Prayer Service is a unique blend of candles, choruses, chants and silence. Following the worship style of the Taize monastic community in France, the service is a meditative experience focused on prayer and simple melodic choruses. And in case you were wondering, there is no sermon. The length of the service is roughly 45 minutes. It is a great way to unwind and relax into God’s presence before starting the work week.
School-aged children are welcomed in worship at Sardis Baptist. While children can get the wiggles, we want them to be with us in worship. And you’d be surprised how much a child hears while she is coloring a picture during worship. Worship care is provided for children 5 and under.
Children can serve as acolytes during worship. Acolyte is a Greek word that means “helper” or “follower.” The acolytes carry in and carry out the cross, the candlelight and the Bible at the beginning and end of worship, reminding us to follow Christ’s cross, to be aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst and to be people who live by the word of God.
Children can also read scripture, collect the offering, and help out with other aspects of worship. Parents are encouraged to help their child learn the Lord’s Prayer, sing the Doxology, find the hymns in the hymnal, read the spoken parts of the service with their family. We also keep blank paper and coloring supplies available. Encouraging children to draw what they see in the sanctuary, or to draw something they heard in the Bible story, or in the pastor’s sermon can often lead to interesting lunchtime discussions.