Who Do You Say I Am?
Who Do You Say I Am? Bob Stillerman 13th Sunday After Pentecost, 8/27/2023 Matthew 16:13-20 Who Do You Say That I Am The August lectionary passages have been eventful. Week one: In the wilderness, Jesus...

Nevertheless, She Persisted
Nevertheless, She Persisted Bob Stillerman 12th Sunday After Pentecost, 8/20/2023 Matthew 15:21-28 Nevertheless She Persisted Matthew 15.21-28 8-20-2023 Context is paramount in engaging this morning’s passage. Matthew’s author writes for a faith community that identifies...

Seeing More Than Ghosts
Seeing More Than Ghosts Bob Stillerman Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, 8-13-2022 Matthew 14:22-23 Seeing More Than Ghosts Matthew 14.22-23 R1 In last week’s lectionary text, the author of Matthew uses the feeding of the multitudes...

Weeds in my Wheat
Weeds in my Wheat Bob Stillerman 8th Sunday After Pentecost, 7/23/2023 Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 Weeds in my Wheat Matthew 13.24-43 7-23-2023 The parables of Jesus sure do illustrate the complexities of life. They remind us,...

God Speaks Through Everyone
God Speaks Through Everyone Bob Stillerman 4th Sunday After Pentecost, 6/18/23 Psalm 100 God Speaks Through Everyone Psalm 100 6-16-2023 Two things can be true at the same time: 1) There are ideological, political, social,...

Blessings for the Journey
Blessings for the Journey Bob Stillerman Graduation Sunday, 6/11/2023 Genesis 12:1-8 Blessings for the Journey Genesis 12.1-8 6-11-2023 So…Madison, eight years ago, on my first Sunday at Sardis, the congregation hosted a brunch during the...

A Charge for Sardis
A Charge for Sardis Bob Stillerman Trinity Sunday, 6/4/2023 Matthew 28:16-20 A Charge for Sardis Matthew 28.16-20 6-4-2023 In the beginning, following Jesus was straight-forward for the disciples: they literally followed Jesus around the Galilee....

No Need to be Terrified
No Need to Be Terrified Bob Stillerman Pentecost Sunday, 5/28/2023 Acts 2:1-21 No Need to be Terrified Acts 2.1-21 5-28-2023 Theophany is a fancy word for an encounter or personal experience with God. The earliest...

gospel Bob Stillerman Ascension Sunday, 5/21/2023 Service of Dedication for Josephine Stillerman Luke 24:44-53 gospel Luke 24.44-53 5-21-2023 In the spirit of every homily offered on child dedication Sundays, I’m gonna have a conversation with...

Now What?
Now What? Bob Stillerman Sixth Sunday of Easter, 5/14/2023 John 14:15-21 Now What John 21.15-21 5-10-2023 I mentioned last week that John’s author understands the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry in three phases: death, resurrection,...