Water on a Wilderness Road
Water on a Wilderness Road Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday of Easter, 5/2/2021 Acts 8:26-40 Water on a Wilderness Road Acts 8.26-40 5-2-2021 Isaiah tells us that a voice cries out: In the wilderness prepare the...

The Space-Making God
The Space-Making God Bob Stillerman Fourth Sunday of Easter, Psalm 23 Psalm 23 The Space-Making God Psalm 23 4-25-2021 I have a confession to make. Clutter makes me feel closed in, trapped even. If there...

Resurrecting Audacity
Resurrecting Audacity Bob Stillerman Third Sunday of Easter, 4/18/2021 Luke 24:36-48 Resurrecting Audacity Luke 24.36-48 4-18-2021 Luke’s gospel establishes a pattern, whereby characters who come face-to-face with the divine are initially terrified – they are...

Very Good, Indeed
Very Good, Indeed Bob Stillerman Second Sunday of Easter, 4/11/2021 Psalm 133 Very Good Indeed Psalm 133 4-11-2021 My interest is piqued by the word “very” in this morning’s text, especially when combined with the...
in Easter

They Were Afraid
They Were Afraid Bob Stillerman Resurrection Sunday, 4/4/2021 Mark 16:1-8 They Were Afraid Mark 16.1-8 Easter 4-4-2021 R1 They were afraid. On first appearance, this seems a strange phrase to use at the conclusion of...
in Palm Sunday

First the Temple, Then Bethany
First the Temple, Then Bethany Bob Stillerman Palm Sunday, 3-28-2021 Mark 11:1-11 First a Temple Then Bethany Mark 11.1-11 3-28-2021 It’s the last verse of this morning’s lection that catches my attention: Then Jesus entered...
in Lent

Knowing God
Knowing God Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday of Lent, 3-21-2021 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Knowing God Jeremiah 31.31-34 3-21-2021 We’ve been exploring the various covenants of the Hebrew Bible during this season of Lent. In the Noahic covenant,...
in Lent

A Covenant for Everyone
A Covenant for Everyone Bob Stillerman Lent Two, 2-28-2021 Genesis 17:1-7; 15-16 A Covenant for Everyone Genesis 17.1-7.15-16 2-28-2021 Last week, we explored God’s covenant with Noah (and you and me as well!) to never...
in Lent

Everybody. Everything. Every Time.
Everybody. Everything. Every Time. Bob Stillerman First Sunday of Lent, 2-21-2021 Genesis 9:8-17 Everybody Everything Every Time Gen 9.8-17 2-21-2021 We know, that at some point in the history of our world, there was a...

Unfiltered Bob Stillerman Transfiguration Sunday, 2-14-2021 Mark 9:2-9 Unflitered Mark 2.2-9 2-10-2021 This morning, the word that our lection brings to mind for me is filter. Filter. We live in a world of filters. We...