Sermons by Rev Bob Stillerman

Water on a Wilderness Road

Water on a Wilderness Road

Speaker: | April 30, 2021

Water on a Wilderness Road Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday of Easter, 5/2/2021 Acts 8:26-40 Water on a Wilderness Road Acts 8.26-40 5-2-2021 Isaiah tells us that a voice cries out: In the wilderness prepare the...

The Space-Making God

The Space-Making God

Speaker: | April 23, 2021

The Space-Making God Bob Stillerman Fourth Sunday of Easter, Psalm 23 Psalm 23 The Space-Making God Psalm 23 4-25-2021 I have a confession to make. Clutter makes me feel closed in, trapped even. If there...

Resurrecting Audacity

Resurrecting Audacity

Speaker: | April 17, 2021

Resurrecting Audacity Bob Stillerman Third Sunday of Easter, 4/18/2021 Luke 24:36-48 Resurrecting Audacity Luke 24.36-48 4-18-2021 Luke’s gospel establishes a pattern, whereby characters who come face-to-face with the divine are initially terrified – they are...

Very Good, Indeed

Very Good, Indeed

Speaker: | April 08, 2021

Very Good, Indeed Bob Stillerman Second Sunday of Easter, 4/11/2021 Psalm 133 Very Good Indeed Psalm 133 4-11-2021 My interest is piqued by the word “very” in this morning’s text, especially when combined with the...

They Were Afraid

They Were Afraid

Speaker: | April 02, 2021

They Were Afraid Bob Stillerman Resurrection Sunday, 4/4/2021 Mark 16:1-8 They Were Afraid Mark 16.1-8 Easter 4-4-2021 R1 They were afraid. On first appearance, this seems a strange phrase to use at the conclusion of...

First the Temple, Then Bethany

First the Temple, Then Bethany

Speaker: | March 26, 2021

First the Temple, Then Bethany Bob Stillerman Palm Sunday, 3-28-2021 Mark 11:1-11 First a Temple Then Bethany Mark 11.1-11 3-28-2021 It’s the last verse of this morning’s lection that catches my attention: Then Jesus entered...

Knowing God

Knowing God

Speaker: | March 19, 2021

Knowing God Bob Stillerman Fifth Sunday of Lent, 3-21-2021 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Knowing God Jeremiah 31.31-34 3-21-2021 We’ve been exploring the various covenants of the Hebrew Bible during this season of Lent. In the Noahic covenant,...

A Covenant for Everyone

A Covenant for Everyone

Speaker: | February 27, 2021

A Covenant for Everyone Bob Stillerman Lent Two, 2-28-2021 Genesis 17:1-7; 15-16 A Covenant for Everyone Genesis 17.1-7.15-16 2-28-2021 Last week, we explored God’s covenant with Noah (and you and me as well!) to never...

Everybody. Everything. Every Time.

Everybody. Everything. Every Time.

Speaker: | February 19, 2021

Everybody. Everything. Every Time. Bob Stillerman First Sunday of Lent, 2-21-2021 Genesis 9:8-17 Everybody Everything Every Time Gen 9.8-17 2-21-2021 We know, that at some point in the history of our world, there was a...



Speaker: | February 12, 2021

Unfiltered Bob Stillerman Transfiguration Sunday, 2-14-2021 Mark 9:2-9 Unflitered Mark 2.2-9 2-10-2021 This morning, the word that our lection brings to mind for me is filter. Filter. We live in a world of filters. We...