Sermons by Rev Bob Stillerman

Listening and Learning

Listening and Learning

Speaker: | June 19, 2020

Listening and Learning Bob Stillerman Proper 7, Third Sunday after Pentecost, 6/21/2020 Matthew 10:24-39 Listening and Learning Matthew 10.24-39 6-21-2020 Theologian Emilie Townes reminds us that a good translation for disciples is “learners.” If we...

Grounded In God's Manna

Grounded In God’s Manna

Speaker: | May 17, 2020

Grounded in God’s Manna Bob Stillerman Easter VI, 5-17-2020 Acts 17:22-31 Grounded in Gods Manna Acts 17.22-31 5-17-2020 The Apostle Paul is often criticized in twenty-first-century circles for promoting a gospel that’s too rigid, too...

Way. Truth. Life.

Way. Truth. Life.

Speaker: | May 10, 2020

Way. Truth. Life. Bob Stillerman Easter V, 5-10-2020 John 14:1-14 Way. Truth. Life. John 14.1-14 5-10-2020 John’s gospel tells us that a force, or a substance, or an energy called the logos or the word...

Shepherd's Gate

Shepherd’s Gate

Speaker: | May 03, 2020

SHEPHERD’S GATE A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Easter IV, 5-3-2020 John 10:1-10 Shepherds Gate John 10.1-10 5-3-2020 Call me a square if you want, but I much prefer to cross through walls,...

Filled with the Spirit

Filled with the Spirit

Speaker: | April 26, 2020

FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT Bob Stillerman Easter III, 4-26-2020 Luke 24:13-35 Filled with the Spirit — Luke 24.13-35 4-26-2020 Luke’s Gospel begins with a birth narrative. Jesus is eight days old, and taken to be...

I Have Seen the Lord

I Have Seen the Lord

Speaker: | April 18, 2020

I HAVE SEEN THE LORD Bob Stillerman Psalm 16 Easter II, 4-19-2020   I Have Seen the Lord   “I have seen the Lord,” Mary Magdalene said with conviction. “I have seen him, I have...