Sermons by Rev Bob Stillerman

O Happy Torah; O Happy God

O Happy Torah; O Happy God

Speaker: | February 12, 2017

O Happy Torah Psalm 119 2-12-2017 A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Psalm 119:1-8 February 12, 2017 I want to use this morning’s homily to dismiss two common falsehoods. Falsehood Number One: The...

Repent. No Really. Repent.

Repent. No Really. Repent.

Speaker: | January 22, 2017

Repent. No Really. Repent. Matthew 4.12-23 1-22-2017 Repent. No Really. Repent. A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Matthew 4:12-23 January 22, 2017 I want to ask you to do something, and it might...

Come and See!

Come and See!

Speaker: | January 15, 2017

  Come and See John 1.29-42 1-15-2017   Come and See! A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman John 1:29-42 If you flip open your Bible to page one, you’ll read about the creation...


The Gift That Mattered Most

Speaker: | January 08, 2017

the-gift-that-mattered-most-matthew-2-1-12-1-8-2017-website-version Today is a snow day.  We’re sorry we can’t gather in person.  Attached is today’s homily, as well as a self-guided communion exercise.  In the attached PDF, there is also a Sunday School lesson...


A New Roof

Speaker: | December 24, 2016

a-new-roof-isaiah-52-7-10-12-25-2016 A New Roof A Christmas Homily for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 12-25-2016 Isaiah 52:7-10 Years ago, Edwin McNeill Poteat, a famous Baptist minister from Raleigh, wrote a sermon about friendship. He remembered the...


A Christmas Creation

Speaker: | December 24, 2016

a-christmas-creation A Christmas Creation Bob Stillerman Homily for Sardis Baptist Church 12/24/2016 Luke 2:1-20 Genesis One tells us that God tamed the great chaos monster, and ordered for us a world of beauty and abundance....


One Little Light

Speaker: | November 27, 2016

one-little-light-isaiah-2-1-5-11-27-2016 One Little Light A Sermon for Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Isaiah 2:1-5 November 27, 2016 Advent is the audacious story of one pink candle. One. That’s it. But it’s burning bright. And that one...


Stand By Me

Speaker: | November 20, 2016

stand-by-me-psalm-46-11-20-2016 Stand By Me A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 11-20-2016 Psalm 46 If the sky that we look upon Should tumble and fall And the mountain should crumble to the sea I...


What Do I Say?

Speaker: | November 13, 2016

what-do-i-say-isaiah-65-17-27-11-13-2016 What Do I Say? Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Isaiah 65:17-25 11-13-2016 This past Wednesday morning, I, along with millions of other people, logged into Facebook to check the pulse of...


The Prayers of Two Lonely People

Speaker: | October 23, 2016

the-prayers-of-two-lonely-people-luke-18-9-14-10-23-2016 The Prayers of Two Lonely People A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Luke 18:9-14 October 23, 2016 Jesus begins his story: “Two men stand on opposing ends of a great big temple.”...