Sermons by Rev Bob Stillerman


Setting the Record Straight

Speaker: | July 17, 2016

Setting the Record Straight — Luke 10.38-42 7-17-2016 Setting the Record Straight A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Luke 10:38-42, the Story of Mary and Martha 7-17-2016 In today’s modern world, news stories...


Do Not Keep Silent

Speaker: | July 10, 2016

Do Not Keep Silent — Luke 10.25-37 7-10-2016 Do Not Keep Silent A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 7-10-2016 Luke 10:25-37, The Parable of the Good Samaritan In 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee, the...


The Acts of Sardis

Speaker: | July 03, 2016

The Acts of Sardis Luke 10.1-16 7.3.2016   The Acts of Sardis Bob Stillerman A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church July 3, 2016 Luke 10:1-11; 16-20 I just read a lot of verses with a...



Speaker: | June 19, 2016

Legion Luke 8.26-39 6-19-2016 Legion A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman June 19, 2016 Luke 8:26-39 I’d like for us to imagine that today’s text isn’t set 2,000 years ago on the Gentile-side...


Letting Your Hair Down

Speaker: | June 12, 2016

Letting Your Hair Down Luke 7.36-8.3 6-12-2016 Letting Your Hair Down A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Luke 7:36 – 8:3 June 12, 2016 “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy!”...



Speaker: | June 05, 2016

Enough — 1 Kings 17.8-16 6.5.2016 Enough A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman 1 Kings 17:8-16 6-5-2016 If we listen, really listen, God reminds us that there will always be enough. Today’s lection...

Witnesses Not Spectators

Speaker: | May 08, 2016

Witnesses Not Spectators — Luke 24.44-53 5-8-2016 Witnesses, Not Spectators A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman Luke 24:44-53 5-8-2016 Anybody can choose be a spectator. Anybody! But not everybody can choose to be...


The Gift of Peace

Speaker: | May 01, 2016

The Gift of Peace John 14.23-29 5.1.2016 Large Print The Gift of Peace A Sermon for Sardis Baptist Church Bob Stillerman John 14:23-29 5-1-2016 Goodbyes are never easy. Not even for Jesus. He had come...