Sermons by Rev Bob Stillerman

Following the Spirit

Following the Spirit

Speaker: | January 07, 2022

Following the Spirit Bob Stillerman First Sunday After Epiphany/Baptism of the Lord, 1/9/2022 Luke 3:15-17; 21-22 Following the Spirit Luke 3.15-22 1-9-2022 It seems like ages ago now, but when we started Advent seven weeks...

Wow and Ahh

Wow and Ahh

Speaker: | January 01, 2022

Wow and Ahh Bob Stillerman Second Sunday After Christmas, 1/2/2022 Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 Wow and Ahhhh Ecc 3.1-13 1-2-2022 I think there’s been a security breech. Perhaps I should change the password on my iPhone. Don’t...

The Christmas Wave

The Christmas Wave

Speaker: | December 23, 2021

The Christmas Wave Bob Stillerman First Sunday After Christmas, 12/26/2021 Luke 2:22-40 The Wave of Christmas Luke 2.22-40 12-26-2021 The best things come to those who wait.  This phrase has always been famous, but it...



Speaker: | December 23, 2021

In Luke’s Gospel, Emmanuel comes into the world in a manger, runs back into it from a pigsty, resurrects as a stranger on the Emmaus Road, and visits all the margins of life in a...

Words of Love

Words of Love

Speaker: | December 17, 2021

Words of Love Bob Stillerman Fourth Sunday of Advent, 12/19/2021 Luke 1:39-46 Words of Love Luke 1.39-46 12-19-21 We started our Advent journey with hope – that thing we see way out on the horizon....

For The Living of These Days

For The Living of These Days

Speaker: | November 12, 2021

For the Living of These Days Bob Stillerman 25th Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 28, 11/14/2021 Mark 13:1-8 For the Living of These Days Mark 13.1-8 11-14-2021 In the Spring of 2000, I was part of...

A New Jerusalem

A New Jerusalem

Speaker: | November 05, 2021

A New Jerusalem Bob Stillerman 24th Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 27, 11/7/2021 All Saints Sunday Revelation 21:1-6a A New Jerusalem Rev 21.1-6 11-7-2021 In the beginning, it was wet and dark, one big monstrous sea,...

Planting a Rosebush; Trellis Optional

Planting a Rosebush; Trellis Optional

Speaker: | October 29, 2021

Planting a Rosebush; Trellis Optional Bob Stillerman 23rd Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 26, 10/31/2021 Reformation Sunday Mark 12:28-34 Planting a Rosebush. Mark 12,28-34 10-31-2021 The scribe came near, and asked Jesus, “Which commandment is first...

Man of Means

Man of Means

Speaker: | October 08, 2021

Man of Means Bob Stillerman 20th Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 23, 10/8/2021 Mark 10:17-31 A Man of Means Our text tells us that Jesus is beginning to set out on a journey, when a man...

Words for the Table

Words for the Table

Speaker: | October 01, 2021

Words for the Table Bob Stillerman 19th Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 22, 10/1/2021 Mark 10:2-16 Bob Sermon 10-3-2021 I’d like to offer a few reminders before we engage this morning’s lection from Mark’s gospel. The...