Receiving the Cup of Others
Receiving the Cup of Others Bob Stillerman 18th Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 21, 9/26/2021 Mark 9:38-50 Receiving the Cup of Others Mark 9.38-50 9.26.2021 On the surface, and especially to the modern ear, this text...

A Childlike Welcome
A Childlike Welcome Bob Stillerman 17th Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 20, 9/19/2021 Mark 9:30-37 A Childlike Welcome 9-19-2021 What do you think it means to welcome a child in the name of Jesus? I suppose...

A Lot Can Happen in a Moment
A Lot Can Happen in a Moment Bob Stillerman Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 19, 9/12/2021 Mark 8:27-38 A Lot Can Happen in a Moment Mark 8.27-38 9-12-2021 Twenty years ago, yesterday, I was making...

Immovable Mountains
Immovable Mountains Bob Stillerman Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 18, 9/5/2021 Psalm 125 Immovable Mountains Psalm 125 9-2-2021 Humans often use the phrase “moving mountains” to describe an incredibly difficult task. If you’ve ever driven...

Relating to One Another
Relating to One Another Bob Stillerman Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 17, 8/29/2021 Psalm 45:1-2; 6-9 Relating to One Another Psalm 45 8-29-2021 This morning’s lectionary provides us with several texts that announce a sense...

Heart Highway
Heart Highway Bob Stillerman Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 16, 8/22/2021 Mata Family Dedication Psalm 84 Heart Highway Psalm 84 8.22.2021 In the 27th Psalm, the psalmist proclaims, “I am confident, I believe, I trust...

Bread for the Upright
Bread for the Upright Bob Stillerman Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 15, 8/15/2021 Community Service with Grove Lane and Sardis Baptist Churches Psalm 111 Bread for the Upright Psalm 111 8.15.2021 I don’t know about...

Come and Believe
Come and Believe Bob Stillerman Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 14, 8/8/2021 John 6:35, 41-51 Come and Believe John 6.35.41-51 8-8-2021 A push notification from a local news app stopped me in my tracks on...

Incarnating God
Incarnating God Bob Stillerman Tenth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 13, 8/1/2021 John 6:24-35 Incarnating God John 6.24-35 8-1-2021 The idea of God is very pleasant for me. I suppose I am fortunate, privileged even, in...

The Joy of Enough
The Joy of Enough Bob Stillerman Ninth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 12, 7/25/2021 John 6:1-21 The Joy of Enough John 6.1-21 7-25-2021 We’re reading John’s gospel this morning, but somehow, someway, today’s text helps me...